Where can you find hypertension (high blood pressure) specialists in South Carolina?

Your family doctor can treat high blood pressure. Heart doctors (cardiologists) and kidney specialists (nephrologists) also have extra training in treating high blood pressure. You may also go to a Community Health Clinic or contact your local health department for names of physicians if you don't have one.

To learn more:

Find a Physician and Appointment Services
In section 1, type in you location and choose Cardiologist in section 2.
(American Medical Association)
This is a physician locator. Click on Search for a physician, read Terms and Conditions. If you accept the terms, the site will give you a choice of searching for a doctor by name or specialty. If you are looking for a heart specialist, but don't have a name, select Medical Specialty. You will be given several specialties to choose from. Select Cardiology and then click on Search.

next » Where can people with high blood pressure get help and more information?

Written by: Janice C. May, M.P.A.
Reviewed by: Jeffrey G. Schultze, M.D.
Last Modified: Thursday August 05, 2010 3:20 PM