Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Links to Websites about nonstandard medical products and practices such as herbs, supplements, and acupuncture.
Acupuncture: Can it Help?
(Mayo Clinic)
Who acupuncture is for, the pros and cons, and how to choose a practitioner.
An Introduction to Acupuncture
(National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health)
The origin and history of acupuncture, its use in the United States, and research information.
Complementary and Integrative Medicine
The National Library of Medicine provides information about nonstandard treatments that may be used with standard treatments or instead of standard treatments. Examples are acupunture and herbal medicine. On this site you can learn about the different treatments and also about studies that have been conducted to test their effectiveness. Such treatments should not be used without your physician's knowledge and approval.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
(National Institute of Health)
Learn about complementary and alternative medicine. This Website teaches you how it is different from standard medicine and gives information about a variety of complementary and alternative treatments. It also provides information about the latest research on these treatments.
Office of Dietary Supplements
(National Institutes of Health)
This federal government site allows consumers to find information on vitamins and other dietary supplements and what effects they may have on their health. There is also sections on background information about supplements and how people can make informed decisions.
Snake Oil?: Scientific Evidence for Popular Health Supplements
(Information is Beautiful)
This is an interactive chart that shows research on popular health supplements. Click on the bubble to read studies on individual supplements.

Last Modified: Monday December 09, 2019 12:17 PM