Dictionaries and Glossaries

Kids' Medical Dictionary
KidsHealth for Kids provides this excellent index of words that a child may encounter while reading about health, but may not understand. Each work is explained in descriptive terms with the proper pronunciation. Medical terms for illnesses, parts of the body and different kinds of medical tests are explained. KidsHealth is a project of The Nemours Foundation, which is dedicated to improving the health and spirit of children.
MedTerms Medical Dictionary Index
MedicineNet, a privately owned company, provides medical information for consumers through a network of interactive web sites. This dictionary is one of its many special features. It is especially useful because, in addition to a definition, it gives more in-depth information to help you understand how the word is used.
Plain Language Medical Dictionary
(University of Michigan Health Sciences Libraries)
This Internet widget helps people figure out medical terms they may not understand. To use, click on the drop down menu to browse the list of high-level medical terms. Once a word or phrase is selected, the plain language translation will appear in the box.
Terms & Acronyms of Environment
(Environmental Protection Agency)
"Terms of Environment" defines in non-technical language commonly used environmental words and phrases.
What Did My Doctor Say?
Let this site help you break the code! Often, you encounter health articles or programs using medical terms you don't understand. The Medical Library Association has created this site to help you translate common medspeak terms. There is also a medical shorthand guide, tips on selecting reliable health care information on the Internet and a list of useful health Web sites.

Last Modified: Wednesday October 30, 2019 2:46 PM