Finding a Doctor

About Doctors...

South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners
(South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners)
Search by name in the Licensee Lookup to see what licenses your doctor holds in South Carolina. Also review Disciplinary Actions by the Board, although many of these do not have names included.
American Board of Medical Specialties
(American Board of Medical Specialties)
This professional organization of 24 medical specialty boards has information about the training and certification of medical specialists. Click on Consumers to access the specialist database.


Find an Allergist/Immunologist
(American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology)
Select Find an Allergist. You can search for a doctor by putting in the zipcode or state where you live.

Arthritis Specialist

Find a rheumatologist
(American College of Rheumatology)
You can find a rheumatologist by state, country or by name of the doctor.

Cancer Specialist/Oncologist

Find an Oncologist Database
(American Society of Clinical Oncology) is a site of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists. This Website allows you to search a database of ASCO members who have made their contact information public. Search by name, institution, city, state, country, or specialty.


Find a Doctor
(American Chiropractic Association)

Choosing a Doctor or Health Care Service

Choosing a Doctor or Health Care Service
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine. Topics include News, General/Overviews, Specific Conditions/Aspects, Directories, Children, Seniors, and more. Read about selecting a particular type of provider, like a psychiatrist or plastic srgeon, how to select an ambulatory care facility or a home health care service, finding a doctor for your child, and more. Select espanol from the menu bar for Spanish links.
How to Choose a Doctor You Can Talk To
(National Institute on Aging)
This article can help you choose a doctor who is right for you. Read about what you should look for in a doctor, and how to decide what type of doctor you might want for your primary or general care. Learn how your health insurance program can help and how managed care programs can affect your choice. A list of questions to ask doctors about themselves and their practice is helpful.


Find a Dentist
(South Carolina Dental Association)
Click on Community on the upper right hand corner. Select Find a Dentist from the drop-down menu to find dentists in South Carolina.
Find a Dentist
(American Dental Association)
Here you can find out if your dentist is a member or the American Dental Association. Or, you can find all the dentists in your area who are members of the ADA.


Find a Dermatologist
(American Academy of Dermatology)
A simple form allows you to fill to your information and search the American Academy of Dermatology’s database of doctors.


(American Medical Association)
This is a physician locator. Click on Search for a physician, read Terms and Conditions. If you accept the terms, the site will give you a choice of searching for a doctor by name or specialty. If you are looking for a heart specialist, but don't have a name, select Medical Specialty. You will be given several specialties to choose from. Select Cardiology and then click on Search.
American Board of Medical Specialties
(American Board of Medical Specialties)
This professional organization of 24 medical specialty boards has information about the training and certification of medical specialists. Click on Consumers to access the specialist database.
This page from the National Library of Medicine's MedlinePlus site has links to many online directories of health providers, facilities, and services. There are sites for general and specialist doctors and dentists; geneticists, nutritionists, psychologists and other providers; general and specialized hospitals and clinics; and services and facilities like nursing homes, camps for the disabled, guide dog schools, and much more.
WebMD Physician Directory
This directory allows people to find a doctor in their area, based on their zip code, city or state. They can also narrow down their search for a doctor based on speciality and their last name. Appointments can also be set, if available.

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist

Find an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist)
(American Academy of Otolaryngology)
Use the Website's ENTLINK to find a ENT specialist.

Eye Doctor

Find an Eye Doctor
(American Optometric Association)
Select Find a doctor. You can search for many kinds of eye specialists, including optometrists, ophthalmologists, LASIK surgeons, and others.

Family Doctor

Find a Family Doctor
(American Academy of Family Physicians)
A Directory of Active Members of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Click on a particular state on the map or select the state from a list. Then select a city to get a list of family physicians. Only names are provided. You will need to check phone books or other sources for contact information.

Hearing Specialist

Find an Audiologist
(American Academy of Audiology)
This site allows you to search by city and state, zip code and/or country to locate and audiologist near you.

Orthopedic Surgeon

Find a Surgeon
(American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons)
Select Find an Orthopaedist. You can search by name, city, state, age specialty (adult or pediatric), anatomic specialty (leg, arm, and others), or treatment specialties (arthritis, joint replacement, deformity, and others).


Find a Pediatrician
(American Academy of Pediatrics)
This site allows you to search by city and state, zip code and/or country to locate a pediatrician near you.

Plastic Surgeon

Find a Plastic Surgeon
(American Society of Plastic Surgeons & Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation)
Select Find a Plastic Surgeon. Search by name, state, or zip code. You can also indicate whether you want a cosmetic or a reconstructive procedure.
Facial Plastic Surgeon
(American Academy of Facial and Reconstructive Plastic surgery)
Select Find a Surgeon on the right hand side of the screen, then select a state.

Skin Doctor

Find a Dermatologist
(American Academy of Dermatology)
A simple form allows you to fill to your information and search the American Academy of Dermatology’s database of doctors.

South Carolina

South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners
(South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners)
Search by name in the Licensee Lookup to see what licenses your doctor holds in South Carolina. Also review Disciplinary Actions by the Board, although many of these do not have names included.
Find an Obesity Medicine Clinician
(Obesity Medicine Association)
OMA is a national professional medical specialty society of licensed physicians who offer specialized programs in the medical treatment of obesity (bariatrics) and its associated conditions. Read through Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about obesity, risks and costs associated with this condition, and treatment options. Related Links offers numerous links to other professional organizations and government resources with information about overweight, obesity, and related conditions.

Last Modified: Friday October 25, 2019 2:09 PM