
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine. Topics include General/Overviews, Specific Conditions/Aspects, Directories, Organizations, Children, Seniors, and more. Read about anesthesia options and considerations, anesthesia for ambulatory surgery, dentistry, sedation, childbirth, and what you should know about herbal and dietary supplements and anesthesia. Select espanol from the menu bar for Spanish links.
Explains what anesthesia is, the different types of anesthesia and the ways you can prepare for it before you have surgery.
General Anesthesia
(Mayo Clinic)
Gives a brief definition of general anesthesia, why it’s done and the medical risks that it may cause. Also give information on how you and/or a loved one can prepare for anesthesia and the expectations.

Last Modified: Monday October 09, 2017 10:14 AM