
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine. Topics include General/Overviews, Clinical Trials, Coping, Diagnosis/Symptoms, Research, Specific Conditions/Aspects, Treatment, Genetics,Directories, Organizations, Statistics, Children, Seniors, Teenagers, and more. Read about getting control over anxiety and panic, successful strategies for test anxiety, helping a family member through an anxiety attack, screening tools for anxiety, anxiety in the workplace, and much more. Select espanol from the menu bar for Spanish links.
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
This non-profit organization "promotes the early diagnosis, treatment and cure of anxiety disorders, and is committed to improving the lives of the people who suffer from them." This excellent site has information about different kinds of anxiety disorders. Each article has links to a self-test and a search for a treatment provider. Links to other Internet resources follow some articles. Other topics include Children and Adolescents, Anxiety and the Elderly, Guide to Treatment, For Women and others. Find a Therapist has information about mental health providers, their credentials, and a search capability to locate a provider in your area.
Freedom From Fear Foundation
Freedom from Fear is a national not-for-profit mental health advocacy association that works to aid and counsel people and families who suffer from anxiety and depressive illnesses. Select Learn about anxiety and depression from the experts for links to articles about anxiety and depression and the treatment of these conditions. You can screen yourself for anxiety or depression using their questionnaire. Find a treatment center near you by searching the Referral Room.
(Department of Health and Human Services)
This site has information about the signs of mental illness, how you and others can seek help and how communities can host conversations about mental health. Learn about different types of mental illness, including depression, anxiety, anorexia, and schizophrenia. The site also includes information for people with mental illness, patients and caregivers, family and friends, and educators.
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association
Social anxiety is the fear of social situations and the interaction with other people that can automatically bring on feelings of self-consciousness, judgment, evaluation, and criticism. Learn more about the different ways this disorder can affect people's lives.

Last Modified: Monday January 14, 2019 11:08 AM