Child Abuse

Child Abuse

Child Abuse
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine. Topics include General/Overviews, Diagnosis/Symptoms, Prevention/Screening, Research, Specific Conditions/Aspects, Treatment, Children, Teenagers, and more. Some Spanish links are included. This is a good place to begin learning about these issues.
Family Violence
(Hands on Health-SC)
Read this for a general introduction to family violence. This section also includes links to many Web sites which focus on all aspects of family violence.
From Darkness to Light
A child sexual abuse prevention program based in South Carolina. This non-profit organization's mission is to reduce child sexual abuse through education and public awareness. Includes a frequent questions list; steps to preventing, recognizing and responding to child sexual abuse; and lists places to contact for help.
7 Radcliffe Street
Suite 200
Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: (866) 367-5444
This Website provides information on Mental and Emotional Health, Family and Relationships, Healthy Living and Seniors and Aging. Content is written and reviewed by medical professionals.

Last Modified: Tuesday June 29, 2004 10:35 AM