

Ground-Level Ozone Forecast
(Bureau of Air Quality)
The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control shows you what the air quality is in your part of South Carolina. This site is updated daily and indicates ozone levels in the upstate, midlands, and central Savannah River area. In addition to the map, sections include more specific information about the air quality index, common questions about ozone, and links to national ozone forecasts.
Ground-Level Ozone
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Ground-level ozone affects human health and damages crops and other vegetables. This EPA site discusses what ground-level ozone is, where it comes from, causes for concern, and its impact on human health. You can also learn about the EPA's efforts to reduce ground-level ozone.
On the Trail of the Missing Ozone:The Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Ozone Depletion
(Environmental Protection Agency)
This site gives us an explanation of what the ozone is, what is causing damage to it, how it effects us, and what can be done about it. The information is presented in an amusing comic book style which is also provided in different formats (illustrated panels, text, and Adobe Acrobat). At the bottom of the page, click on Ozone Science for a more scientific explanation.
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Smog-Who Does it Hurt? What You Need to Know About Ozone and Your Health.
(Environmental Protection Agency)
This site explains why smog is harmful to your health and what scientists know and don’t know about its long term effects. You will learn what ozone is and why you should be concerned about your exposure to it.
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Last Modified: Thursday March 24, 2016 8:00 PM