How can I avoid chronic bronchitis?

One of the most important things you can do to avoid chronic bronchitis is to not smoke cigarettes. If you do smoke but decide to quit, your lungs will start to improve right away. Some kinds of damage can be repaired. Even at a late age there are proven health benefits if you quit smoking. When an older person quits smoking, circulation improves immediately and the lungs begin to repair some kinds of damage.

In addition, if you are at risk for developing bronchitis, avoid polluted air, dust, and fumes. If you work in an environment that requires you to be around dust and fumes, be sure to wear a face mask. quits smoking, circulation improves immediately and the lungs begin to repair some kinds of damage.

A person with chronic bronchitis who smokes is more likely to develop Emphysema and be diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Emphysema can be very serious because some of the damage it causes to your lungs cannot be reversed. Treatment can help make you feel better, but the main goal is to slow further loss of lung function. There is no cure for these diseases.

To learn more:

Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children
(AAP Policy)
American Academy of Pediatrics presents information on studies which indicate that second-hand smoke increases children’s likelihood to develop bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
Can occupational respiratory disease be prevented or avoided?
(American Academy of Family Physicians)
This section from Occupational Respiratory Disease of tells you how to avoid developing lung diseases from work related conditions. Scroll towards the bottom to find the article.
How to Quit: Useful Resources to Quit Smoking
(Centers for Disease Control)
This site provides links to several other sites that offer practical suggestions for smoking cessation.
Tobacco Prevention & Control
(South Carolina Department of Health and Environment Control (SCDHEC))
The SC Division of Risk Reduction & Health Promotion is responsible for the Tobacco Control Program. This program works with local coalitions and other partners to eliminate exposure to tobacco smoke, promote quitting, and to prevent youth from smoking.
Phone: 803-545-4460

next » Where can I go for more help and more information about bronchitis?

Written by: Lillian Trettin, Ph.D.
Reviewed by: Jeffrey G. Schultze, M.D.
Last Modified: Thursday October 31, 2019 10:24 AM