Affordable Care Act (ACA)
(Department of Health & Human Services)
Find tons of information here about the Health Insurance Marketplace. You will be able to compare plans and find insurance options in a few steps. Select your state and find which insurance programs meet your needs. You will also find information about the new health care law and tips on how to stay healthy. This federal government website is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Also in Spanish.
(Department of Health and Human Services)
Find information about the new Health Care Law, Insurance Marketplace and other health facts. The Marketplace will allow you to compare health plans, get answers to questions and find out if you are eligible for tax credits.


The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare: Health Insurance Changes Coming Your Way Through the Affordable Care Act
(Kaiser Family Foundation)
This 7-minute cartoon explains ways Americans will get health care through the new health care law.
Health Reform Hits Main Street
(Kaiser Family Foundation)
Confused on how the health care law works? This 9-minute cartoon (featuring the YouToons) explains health care reform and problems of the current system.

Last Modified: Monday December 19, 2016 10:59 AM