Skin Cancer

(Hands on Health-SC)
Read this for a general introduction to cancer. This section also includes links to many Web sites which focus on all aspects of cancer.
Skin Cancer
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine.
Skin Cancer
(American Cancer Society)
Explains what skin cancer is, the types of skin cancer and how to prevent it.
Skin Cancer Foundation
This international organization’s goal is to educate and prevent skin cancer. You can find out what various types of skin cancer look like, ways to prevent it, and how to maintain healthy skin. There are also testimonials from people who have survived skin cancer. Available in Spanish and other languages.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
(American Academy of Dermatology)
This professional site provides information about cancer of the skin and links to other related organizations and support groups.

Last Modified: Wednesday October 23, 2019 12:13 PM