Bed sores, Pressure Sores

Pressure Sores
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine. Topics include General/Overviews, Clinical Trials, Prevention/Screening, Directories, Organizations, and more. Select espanol from the menu bar for Spanish links.
What are pressure ulcers?
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ))
A short, easy-to-read description of pressure sores, also called bed sores. Includes a drawing.
Preventing Pressure Ulcers: A Patient's Guide
(National Library of Medicine)
"This booklet describes where pressure ulcers form and how to tell if you are at risk of getting a pressure ulcer. It also lists steps to take to prevent them or keep them from getting worse, and suggests how to work effectively with your health care team."

Last Modified: Thursday October 17, 2019 3:26 PM