Prescription Assistance

Find a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
(Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This site will help find prescription drug coverage regardless of income, health status, or how you pay for prescription drugs today.
Medicine Assistance Tool
(Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America)
This site is a collaboration of pharmaceutical companies, health care providers and advocacy organizations. It offers a way to easily find discount medication programs that you may qualify for. It is easy to use and allows you to find assistance programs available nationally and by state.
"This site is designed to provide information about patient assistance programs which provide no cost prescription medications to eligible participants...[It has] information on the programs many drug companies have that give away free prescription medications to people who have no insurance and qualify for their programs." You can also find out about state programs that help people in need get medicine.
Prescription Drug Coverage
(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
This page has links to the most current information about the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit that you will need to help you make a decision about your Medicare coverage. Links include basic information, things to consider, lists by state of Medicare drug plans, and interactive tools that help you find plans to suit your needs and that include the drugs you take.
South Carolina Drug Card
The South Carolina Drug Card is a FREE statewide discount prescription assistance program. South Carolina residents can print a FREE card and locate participating pharmacies by visiting the website. There are no age limitations or income requirements to be eligible for this program. Through the collaboration of participating pharmacies the South Carolina Drug Card is able to give discounts to the uninsured, under-insured and people with extremely high deductibles on their prescription coverage or whose prescriptions are not covered by their insurance policies.

Last Modified: Friday October 25, 2019 11:55 AM