Accidents and Safety

Agricultural Safety
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
This federal government site has statistics about the number of farmworkers and injuries nationwide. It also has links to publications and Web sites on agricultural safety. Included are NIOSH alerts about specific dangers. These alerts include recommendations to farmworkers and employers
First Response to Farm Accidents
(Maine Farm Safety Program. University of Maine Cooperative Extension)
This article gives basic information about what to do at a farm accident. Read Ten Steps at an Accident, What the Rescue Unit Needs to Know, and Saving Life and Limb.
How to Respond to Farm Accidents
(University Extension, Iowa State University)
This report gives basic information about what to do when an accident happens. Read what to do if you are the first one on the scene, when to call EMS and what information they need, and what to do at the scene to make things safer. There is a list of things to think about for common types of farm accidents. Take a quiz to see how much you know about responding to an emergency. Learn how to prepare yourself or your family to handle an accident.
Lightning Safety Outdoors
(National Weather Service)
Learn how to protect yourself when thunderstorms and lightning threaten. No place is absolutely safe from lightning; however, some places are much safer than others. This article has two main sections: lightning safety outdoors when a safe location is nearby and when a safe location is NOT close. See the lightning desperation position and learn when to use it outdoors. Learn how to protect yourself if you are riding a bike or a motorcycle and a storm comes up.
NASD National Ag Safety Database
The National Agriculture Safety Database "is a national central repository of agricultural health, safety, and injury prevention materials for the agricultural community and especially for agricultural safety specialists." Select Locate by Topic for a list of subjects. Each subject leads to a list of resources. To find material published by a particular state, select Locate by State. You can also find Spanish Materials, videos, posters, regional NIOSH Ag Centers, and other resources.

Last Modified: Tuesday February 18, 2020 10:31 AM