Getting Help: Service Providers

Getting Help: Service Providers

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. PEHSU
(Emory University)
PEHSU at Emory University is one of eight centers in the country which focus on "environmental hazards, their effects, and practical ways to protect our children's health." This one serves the southeastern states, including South Carolina. They offer information, clinical services, and technical assistance to healthcare providers, families and communities. The Web site has good information about environmental health concerns such as asthma, ADHD, autism, birth defects, mental retardation, and childhood cancers. You can read about exposures that are harmful to children, including pollutants in indoor and outdoor air and drinking water, lead, mercury, arsenic, PCBs, and other substances. It also offers links to other Web sites about children's environmental health. Look under Contact Us for contact information if you have a question, concern, or need a referral.

Last Modified: Thursday June 20, 2013 6:23 PM