
Dialysis and Nephrology Resources
This site provides a list of agencies and organizations related to kidney diseases and their treatment.
Dialysis Facility Compare
(Department of Health and Human services)
This site allows you to locate dialysis facilities near you. It also allows you to compare facilities that you might be interested in using for your care. It provides a list of questions to ask your physician about dialysis care. It also includes a checklist to use to evaluate a dialysis center.
Dialysis Patient Citizens
(Dialysis Patient Citizens Inc (DPC))
This site is the home page for a nationwide, non-profit, patient-led dialysis organization. It includes a lot of information for the person with kidney disease. It has information about common problems associated with dialysis.
Kidney Failure
Links to sites which have been reviewed by librarians at the National Library of Medicine.
Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association Patient Handbook
(The Kidney Transplant/Dialysis Association)
This site explains the forms of treatment available for kidney diseases. It also explains how these treatments impact the quality of life of kidney patients. This handbook explains how the kidneys function in healthy people and in people with kidney failure. It contains some information written by patients.
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Last Modified: Thursday February 09, 2017 2:51 PM