Back Pain Services for all of South Carolina

Displaying 1 to 3 of 3 resources found.

Massage/Bodywork Therapists

(American Massage Therapy Association)
Phone:877-905-2700 Toll Free
Description:Find professional members of the American Massage Therapy Association. Search by city, state, or zip code. Professionals members must: graduate from a minimum 500 in-class-hour massage therapy training program, or pass the National Certification Examination in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, or possess a current AMTA-accepted license to practice, and earn continuing education credit, and uphold the AMTA Code of Ethics.

(Rolf Institute of Structural Integration)
Phone:800-530-8875 Toll Free
Description:Find a certified Rolfer by city or state. Certified Rolfers are graduates of The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, a worldwide organization that educates and certifies Rolfers. Practitioners with an Advanced Rolfer Certification have at least three years experience and have completed the Advanced Rolfing Training. Rolf Movement Practitioners have completed an additional Movement Training.

(SC Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation)
Address:PO Box 11329
Columbia, SC 29211
Description:Search for licensed healthcare service providers in your area. Information includes status of license, whether any disciplinary actions have been taken against the provider, and more. Business address is included for some. To search, select a profession from the pull-down menu, then hit Select. On the next screen, enter the name of a city. Health professions listed include chiropractic, counselors, dentistry, massage therapy, medical board (physicians), nursing, occupational therapy, opticians, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, podiatry, psychology, social worker, speech-language pathology, and veterinary.