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South Carolina Dental Directory for Individuals with Special Health Care Needs
Provided and Maintained by Dr. Carlos F. Salinas D.M.D.
Medical University of South Carolina, College of Dental Medicine
Please Note: Contact a dentist directly to get the most current information about the services you need.

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Advanced search - You can search for any combination of items below.

Hint: If you have trouble finding a dentist meeting your specifcations, try selecting only 2 or 3 of your most important requirements.
step one

 OPTIONAL Select one or more special need(s):


step two

 OPTIONAL Select one or more special arrangement(s):


step three

 OPTIONAL Select the type of practice:


step 4

 OPTIONAL Select the age of the patient:


step 5

 OPTIONAL Select an additional language spoken in the dentists office.


step six

 OPTIONAL Select the type of payment accepted at the dentists office:


step seven

 OPTIONAL Find a dentist by entering a city or zip code.

Hint: If you live in a small town or rural area, try entering your zip code and mileage distance for better results.


Last Modified: Tuesday October 04, 2011 3:11 PM