

(American Medical Association)
This is a physician locator. Click on Search for a physician, read Terms and Conditions. If you accept the terms, the site will give you a choice of searching for a doctor by name or specialty. If you are looking for a heart specialist, but don't have a name, select Medical Specialty. You will be given several specialties to choose from. Select Cardiology and then click on Search.
This page from the National Library of Medicine's MedlinePlus site has links to many online directories of health providers, facilities, and services. There are sites for general and specialist doctors and dentists; geneticists, nutritionists, psychologists and other providers; general and specialized hospitals and clinics; and services and facilities like nursing homes, camps for the disabled, guide dog schools, and much more.
Physician Compare
(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
This directory contains names, addresses, phone numbers, specialties, and other important information for Medicare participating physicians who have agreed to accept assignment on all Medicare claims and covered services. Assignment only works with the Original Medicare Plan. It does not apply if you are in a Medicare managed care plan or Private Fee-For-Service plan. Participating physicians agree to accept assignment on all Medicare claims for covered services and supplies. However, some participating physicians may not be accepting new Medicare patients. Please contact the physicians you are interested in to see if they are accepting new Medicare patients.
South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners
(South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners)
Search by name in the Licensee Lookup to see what licenses your doctor holds in South Carolina. Also review Disciplinary Actions by the Board, although many of these do not have names included.
South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices
Healthy Connections Choices is a state program that helps Medicaid recipients enroll in (join) a health plan. The Website includes information on health plans, a directory where patients can find a physician or a hospital, and a five-minute video about the enrollment process. The site is also available in Spanish.

Last Modified: Monday August 24, 2015 2:07 PM